Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cuter 3 Month Pics

I took these pictures this morning. The boy was in an exceptionally good mood. He had his best night of sleep EVER. He slept from 7:30 until 6:00 am (except for a quick and sleepy feeding at 10:30). It was glorious!


Karis said...

Where does that red hair come from?

~stevesgurl~ said...

Ahh....glorious sleep!! Pretty soon he will be sleeping through the night!

As for the flip-flops. I think you should get him some anyway. Who cares if he can walk yet or not? Besides, it will help when it does come time to wear shoes if he is used to them. And lastly, they were 2 pairs for $5 at the Children's Place. You can buy one for now and one for next year.

That's all. :)

Jessie said...

I'm so excited for you!!! Sleep, always a good thing. I love your pictures. He is adorable.