Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Element Photo Request

Brad Roe-I-can't-spell-his-name-beck wanted to see a picture of the new Element.
Unfortuntately, due to time constraints (and the desire not to feel silly), I have not yet taken a picture of our new family ride.
I do, however, have the stock photo from Honda, in the color that we selected, for anyone out there who does not know what an Element is.


Brad said...

ooooooooooooo.... it's so pretty...

Anonymous said...

with this comment I am officially NOT a blogspot stalker. PHAT RIDE!

Karis said...

I am leaving comments! Do you love it? At least you don't have to drive a minivan like me! Hope you got leather, is all I can say... You'll know why if The Boy pukes on your seats and then summer comes! If you didn't, get seat protectors!!!!