Friday, May 25, 2007

Four Months and One Day

Yesterday, Isaac Lidbom turned four months old.
He's so different everyday. It's crazy.
It's funny, because when he was a couple weeks old, people kept saying, "it gets better" and "they grow up so fast" and all sorts of wisdomly things. (I know that's not a word).
And, here he is, getting better and growing up so fast. They were right. It's just hard to comprehend when you're in the midst of all that crying and screaming (and not sleeping).
Anyhow, we're on to month #5 and it's going to get here quickly, I suppose.


jena said...

It has happened too fast. I can't believe my days are numbered with him. This morning Derek assured me there would be Isaac opportunities in my future. I can see his precious sleeping face as I type. Nothing melts my heart more than seeing his sweet little happy grin. You were right, I have fallen in love with the boy. Thanks.

Rachel said...

Yes, before you know it you have a 2-year-old and you wonder where the time went.

I've given up on sleep. Well sleeping in at least. :)

Jessie said...

And then he's 3 and you wonder if he is your child. Because there is no way your sweet littly happy grin child, would talk back to you. And then it happens, he smiles at you with that sweet little happy smile and says, 'I love you mommy.' Alls forgiven and you want another child (one that doesn't talk back and require discipline).
P.S. We told it goes by fast, just hold on for the ride.