Friday, January 25, 2008

Official Birthday Party Day

Isaac's birthday didn't turn out to be such a wonderful day for him. He had shots at the doctor's for his 12 month checkup and didn't have a very good evening from that point on. Luckily, he obviously had no idea that it was his birthday and I "ruined" it, by scheduling an appointment for shots on the very day that I should not have.

He also got a haircut yesterday and looks like a little boy. Unfortunately, I still do not have pictures of this haircut, due to the ensuing doctor's appointment meltdown evening....

So, the party was planned for tonight for three reasons:
1. the aforementioned shots
2. friday cake day volume III
3. i tutor on thursday nights

So, I'm off, in a little bit, to Lorena's, where we'll be designing and implementing Isaac's birthday cake plan. We are also making cupcakes for the little ones who get dragged to Lorena's house every friday!

Isaac's party will be tonight. I'll take lots of pictures.... Never fear!
We're having spaghetti with meatballs and italian sausage. The perfect first birthday dinner!

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