Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Day 1 - On our own

My mom and Terry and Jake (and canine, Zeke) left this morning.
It was sad.

Now we are all alone in our parenting duties. Overall, it went well. It's definitely tiring. It's midnight (or a few minutes past) and we're just sitting around waiting for Isaac to awaken for another feeding, changing, burping, possibly another changing, and nap. Then we repeat.

In other Isaac news: Derek started a Picasa web album for the boy.
Check it out here.


Anonymous said...

Oh guys....he is so precious. Just remember, it gets easier. Benjamin sleeps all night now, for over a year he's been doing it. But each day is better and it is all worth it!!!!
Love you guys!!!
Jenn Woodyard Stevens

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah, just remember, things will settle down...then you can do things like chase your children as they run wildly around at the sight of your friend's dog... poor Lucy. Em is still going "where's dog go? Where's Lucy?".

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sarah!!! I know it's been forever since we've talked. Meighen forwarded the news/blog address. Isaac looks great! I wish you and your family all the best...